Obstetricians at KLM Hospital are specialized in delivering babies and providing Obstetrics care to women during pregnancy (antenatal care) and after the birth (postnatal care). At KLM Hospital, we have Obstetricians having 20+ years experience who pretty much manage complex or high-risk pregnancies and perform interventions and caesareans.


KLM Hospital obstetrical care department is dedicated to providing individualized care and support throughout your pregnancy cycle. Every pregnancy is unique and so the treatment. That’s why we understand that every woman’s needs are different and provide the best possible treatment and delivery options when it comes to her pregnancy.


The following obstetrical services focus specifically on the care and treatment of women before and during their pregnancy:


Antenatal Counselling

Antenatal Consultation - KLM Hospital

In antenatal counselling, KLM Hospital identifies the presence of genetic disorders in an unborn child. Antenatal counselling is mostly done in individuals by checking his/her family history of genetic disorders.


Antenatal Check Up

As part of your antenatal check up, experts at KLM Hospital perform a number of check-ups, tests and scans. Some tests are offered to every woman as part of normal antenatal care. Other tests will be suggested if the patient or the baby baby have a higher risk of problems or are experiencing any concerns during the pregnancy.

Antenatal Check Up - KLM Hospital

Delivery Services

Normal Delivery

Normal Delivery - KLM Hospital

For normal delivery, experts at KLM Hospital examine the position and station of the fetal head. When effacement is complete and the cervix is fully dilated, the patient is told to bear down and strain with each contraction to move the head through the pelvis and progressively dilate the vaginal introitus so that more and more of the head appears and the delivery done without any surgery.

C-Section Delivery

C-Section Delivery - KLM Hospital

Experts at KLM Hospital only suggest cesarean delivery only if there are complications from pregnancy which make the traditional/normal vaginal birth difficult, or put the mother or child at risk. Sometimes cesarean deliveries are planned early in the pregnancy, but the c-section delivery is mostly suggested when complications arise during normal delivery.


Postnatal Care

Postnatal Care - KLM Hospital

Experts at KLM Hospital suggest every mother to go through the postnatal care which is specialized care for the mother that starts within an hour after the delivery and lasts through the following six to eight weeks depending on the adequate nutrition supplement and the growth of the baby. KLM Hospital’s postnatal care includes the prevention, elimination, early detection and cure of health complications, counselling on breastfeeding, immunization, an interactive session on the importance of birth spacing and maternal nutrition, etc.