KLM Hospital offers obstetrics and gynecology care for women of all ages. Whether you’re scheduling your first gynecology appointment or seeking post-menopausal care, our highly experienced doctors make you feel comfortable. Treating the patient with utmost care is what we believe in most. What we treat are as follows:

Obstetricians at KLM Hospital are specialized in delivering babies and providing Obstetrics care to women during pregnancy (antenatal care) and after the birth (postnatal care). At KLM Hospital, we have Obstetricians having 20+ years experience who pretty much manage complex or high-risk pregnancies and perform interventions and caesareans.

Our gynecologists stand-in an understanding, supportive and compassionate environment where a woman can receive the best contraceptive advice and care. Our gynecology experts treat bleeding issues, uterine fibroids, urinary incontinence, diagnose and help manage complications in conception and early pregnancy.

KLM Hospital offers world-class infertility treatment to infertile couples from all over the world. Our experienced gynecologists and obstetricians have a track record of treating more than 1000 infertile couples in the past 20 years.